How To Start A Shoe Boutique Online

Are you passionate about footwear? Have you ever dreamt of starting a footwear fashion boutique? If that sounds like you then have come to the right place. This guide is dedicated to outlining the process of starting a shoe boutique online step by step.

The guide will also go a step further to show you how to do this by leveraging the leading ecommerce platform in the world: Shopify.

Why You Should Consider Starting a Shoe Boutique Online?

Shoes have an important place in the world of fashion. Starting an online shoe venture can be a profitable venture. Here are reasons why you should strongly consider starting an online shoe boutique.

Evergreen Demand: Certain fashion trends are transient (come and go), but the love and demand for shoes is always guaranteed. People always need shoes for various occasions and purposes- from formal wear to casual wear, sports as well as outdoor activities, etc.

Seasonal and Trend-Driven: The shoe sector also benefits from the seasonal trends, Also the fact that new product lines are released each season creates opportunities for boutique owners to cash in on new trends and evolving fashion preferences.

Shoes as Complementary products: If you are already running a clothing boutique, a curated range of shoe lines will be a great addition to your online boutique. This way you give your existing captive customer base more ideas and things to spend on.

This is good for your overall sales and the general shopping experience of your customers.

Brand Loyalty: Shoes are the kind of products where customers have brand loyalty. If someone is sold into Nike shoes for example, they become a lifetime Nike shoes customer.

The aspect of brand loyalty takes away a good deal of marketing work you need to do for your shoe line. Brand loyalty makes it easy to establish a loyal customer base from customers who have trust in certain shoe brands for comfort, style and quality.

Online Shopping Trend: Mobile commerce and social commerce are on the rise. As an entrepreneur you can ride the crest of the penchant for convenient online shopping for clothes and shoes, etc.

Profit Margin: Shoes have a good profit margin. Of course, ultimately this will depend on where you are sourcing your inventory as well as your pricing strategy. You can score good profit margins especially if you go for brands that are already perceived as high quality and stylish by customers.

Going for a shoe boutique online enables you to reach a global market base with a diverse range of products such as sneakers, sandals, heels, boots, formal shoes and various specialised footwear for different occasions and purposes.

Starting A Shoe Boutique Online

Market Research and Planning

The first step in setting up an online shoe boutique is conducting market analysis. You need to understand the current status of the footwear market. Market analysis will involve studying the latest trends, demographics and customer preferences.

There are some important questions that you need to answer to come full circle in your market analysis. Answering the questions below is crucial for your market research exercise:

  • Who is your particular target market (segment)?
  • What types of shoes are in high demand?
  • From the type of shoes in high demand, which brands would you like to focus on?
  • What is the persona of your target customer, i.e. where do they leave, what’s their typical age range, what is their disposable income thresholds? What is their gender?, etc

Answering the questions above helps you to zero in on the existing footwear market and identify your niche.

Competitor Analysis

A critical part of your marketing analysis is competition analysis. In this step you need to identify your competitors in the online shoe space. What are the top performing brands online in this niche?Who dominates search when punch in these queries?

There are various techniques of conducting competition analysis. Below are some of the techniques you can use:

Google Search:

Run a Google search for the search terms below and more that you can come up with:

– “Buy shoes online”

– “Online shoe stores”

– “Best online shoe retailers”

– “Top places to purchase shoes online”

– “Affordable online shoe shops”

This will give you a general sense of which brands are dominating this niche.

Google Keyword Planner:

You can also make use of Google’s free keyword research tool: Keyword Planner (in Google Ads), to find keywords related to the niche you are researching on.

This tool will give you data on keywords people are searching for, the monthly search volume of these keywords, Pay Per Click (PPC) competition, and whether the search frequencies for a particular key search phrase is going up or down, etc.

You can copy and paste the relevant keywords on a spreadsheet somewhere so that you can drill down on each of these keywords to explore the competition from a PPC and SEO point of view.

Competitor Analysis Tools:

If your budget allows, you consider making use of these premium SEO and competition analysis tools such as Ahrefs, SEMrush or Moz.

These tools are great for identifying competitors ranking for specific keywords in a given niche. The tools will also furnish you with insights into competitor backlinks, organic search rankings, domain rankings and various metrics.

It is also good to explore data and insights from tools such as Google Trends and Google shopping.

Pro Tip

Visit popular e-commerce platforms like Amazon to see which online shoe retailers are ranking well for the given keyword and what types of shoes they are selling.

Also review related forums and social media conversations trends, sentiment.

If you are intending to start a location based online shoe boutique then you need to define your market and competition analysis by the geographical location of your preference. For example:

If you intend to set up an online shoe boutique in Arizona (can be a state/region or town/city) – you can run location-based queries like “Buy shoes online in Arizona [state/city]” to assess local competition.


The whole idea of a market and competition analysis is to understand what is working in the current market, the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.

Once you can map out the gaps in the market – then you have found your niche. With this information you can then define your unique selling point (USP).

2. Structuring your online Shoe Boutique Business Plan

Don’t overlook the need to write a professional business plan for an online shoe boutique. A business plan helps to put your ideas into perspective and assess the viability of your business aspirations. Below is a business plan structure you can follow for an online shoe boutique.

Executive Summary: This will be an overview of the business plan, capturing the mission and founders and also highlighting the business model and USP.

Business Description: Description of your business including business name, location (if applicable), legal entity – is it an LLC or sole proprietorship). Include details about your niche and target market.

Market Analysis: Insights and data on current shoe market, trends, demographics and growth prospects. Also include information on competitors, their strengths and their weaknesses.

Marketing and Sales Strategy: Outline your marketing, advertising and sales strategies. Also include your pricing strategy, customer acquisition and retention plans.

Products and Services: Specific details on type of shoes you will be selling including your sourcing strategies. Also add your list of suppliers and manufactures. Outline your strategies for inventory management.

Website and Technology: Provide details about your ecommerce platform (such as Shopify), outline the payment gateways you will be using, measures for securing transactions as well as plans for ensuring mobile friendly user experience across the board.

Operations and Management: Give an overview of day to day operations, order fulfilment and the whole customer service cycle. Outline roles of team members (if any). Also outline your relationships with suppliers.

Financial Projections: Include a projection of start-up costs, typical operational costs projected as well as projected revenue and profit. Show break-even points in your projections and also include a sales forecast.

Funding Needs: Indicate how much initial capital is required. Spell out potential sources of funding (personal investment, loans, investors, etc)

Legal and Compliance: Legal structure of your business entity, tax and licensing compliance. Also indicate applicable compliance with regards to intellectual property protection, trademarks and copyrights.

Risk Analysis: Outline potential risks for your business including competition or supply chain disruptions. Indicate what your mitigation measures will be.

Timelines and Milestones: Put down a timeline that indicates key milestones in your journey to start the business, from setup to the launch and growth of the online shoe boutique.

It is also helpful to include an appendix where you can attach important documents such as market research data, profiles or CVs of key team members and sample marketing materials.

3. Setting up Your Shoe Boutique Online

Shopify Review

Once you have picked the best Shopify plan for your needs and budget, you then need to go ahead to set up your online shoe boutique.

Shopify has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for beginners and expert Shopifiers to set up professional and high end online stores.

The platform offers highly customisable themes that can be customised according to your brand identity. With Shopify you do not need any technical coding and design skills to set up your online store.

Make use of Shopify‘s step by step guide to configure your store. This includes selecting your store’s name and customizing the colors, layout and look and feel.


Connecting a domain with Bluehost

You can use Shopify’s own domain registration service to register your custom domain and connect with your Shopify store. You can also use an external domain registration and hosting and then connect the domain with your online shoe boutique on Shopify.

Bluehost is one of the best domain registration and hosting services. You can register a custom domain with Bluehost for as little as $9.95 per month.


4. How to Source Quality Shoe Supplies for your Online Boutique

There are some important considerations you need to make when sourcing shoe supplies for your online boutique.

Find Suppliers Who Specialise in Your Niche

Your supplier sourcing must be defined according to your niche. If you have chosen to sell athletic shoes, find suppliers that specialise in athletic shoes. The same goes for every other option: designer brands, boots, sneakers, specialised footwear, etc.

Where to Find Suppliers for your Shoe Boutique

You need to do your due diligence in researching reputable suppliers that manufacture the type of shoes that your boutique is focusing on. A desktop research (Google Search) can suffice for initial insights.

Attending trade shows is another great way of discovering shoe suppliers and building relations with them.

Attending trade shows gives you an opportunity to see and touch and feel some shoe samples that you may consider for your boutique. Attending trade shows also exposes you to the latest trends and fashion in footwear.

Explore Online Wholesale MarketPlaces

Online wholesale market places such as Alibaba, Global Sources, SaleHoo offer a wide range of shoe supplies. Evaluate all these potential suppliers by reading reviews, comments and soliciting feedback from some retailers who rely on these suppliers.

Deal Directly With Brands

Some brands allow retailers to deal directly with them. You will have to inquire to know. Make a short list of shoe brands you would like to target and contact them to request to be their authorized retailer.

This can also yield better pricing and options as well as expose you to some exclusive offers from these brands.

Also make sure you explore your local shoe manufacturers particularly designers and artisans who can create custom shoe designs for your boutique.

Attending shoe expos and exhibitions will expand your horizons and expose you to a wide array of options.

Shoe Sourcing Due Diligence

Over and above the general thumb rule of going for quality and durable shoes, you need to request samples so that you can assess the shoes for materials used, comfort and craftsmanship.

Make sure the shoes meet the standards of your brand – and the preferences of your customers.

Pricing and MOQ Thresholds

Different wholesalers and suppliers have varying minimum order quantities (MOQ) thresholds. You will need to negotiate these and try to secure favourable terms regards and MOQ, pricing and shipping lead times.

5. Tips on Adding Quality Product Listings for a Shoe Boutique

To get the most out of Shopify, you need to pay particular attention to adding high quality product listings on your online shoe boutique.


Remember that your online boutique is as good as its catalogue and product offerings.

High Quality Product Photos

An online shoe boutique is a visual user experience based business. Unlike consultants that sell a service and expertise, an online shoe boutique sells physical products.

Therefore the impressions your products can make online are solely based on the quality of the photos of your products. You need to invest in high quality product photos for your online boutique.

  • Use high resolution images to showcase your shoes from different angles
  • Include close up images for key features and to display unique designs and materials
  • Maintain consistent lighting in your photography so that you represent the colors of your products accurately and consistently

Detailed and SEO Optimised Descriptions

Write informative and detailed product descriptions. Make sure you include important details such as shoe size, availability, color options, material as well as care instructions.

Employ persuasive language that highlights the benefits and distinctive features of the shoes. Place suitable calls to action to prompt customers to buy.

Pro Tip

Shopify enables you to (Search Engine Optimise (SEO)) optimize your product page meta title and descriptions. You can use your target keywords for each product to enhance the visibility of each of your product pages on search engines.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Enabling customer reviews and ratings on your product lists is a great way of asserting the credibility of your online boutique. Publishing reviews is also a great way of social proofing the shopping experience.

Always encourage satisfied customers to leave positive feedback. Key to this is responding promptly and professionally to customer reviews, complaints and inquiries.

Clear Calls To Action (CTA)

Make use of CTAs like “Buy Now” or “Add to Cart” to nudge customers into taking desired actions.

The key to your product listing is ensuring that all your product listings are mobile friendly as most of your shoppers will be browsing your boutique from their mobile devices.

Also provide important details on the product variants: sizes, colors, etc. Shopify has an elegant product variants feature for this. Also make sure to include high quality images for each variant.

Also include the following in your product listings:

  • Returns and Exchange Policy
  • Related Products and Cross-Selling
  • Inventory Status
  • Trust Signals (Secure payment logos, industry certifications, etc)

6. Marketing Your Online Shoe Boutique

There are many ways you should consider for marketing your online Shoe Boutique

Content Marketing: Shopify online boutiques can be integrated with various blogging and content marketing apps within Shopify.

Content marketing affords you a platform to convert cold leads, to warm leads and ultimately to paying customers.

You can make use of the blog aspect of your online boutique to sensitise your target customers about your products and generate interest and desire. Your content marketing strategy can be structured according to the content media funnel illustrated below:

Email Marketing: Email marketing is a great way for capturing leads and building a captive audience around your business. Send free offers to website visitors in exchange for their email address.

This way you build a community around your online boutique. You can then monetise the email list by sending discounts, new and exclusive offers, promotions to your subscribers.

Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing is a great way of pushing your products to where people are.

Create compelling social media pages. Beyond mere presence on social media, you can set up shoppable content on social media platforms in such a way that your customers can initiate purchases from the social media platforms.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising: This is a great way to get quick traffic from search engines and social media platforms. With these campaigns you are billed for each click that comes to your online store.

Your pay per click campaigns must be keyword driven for relevance and optimal performance.

Continue to evaluate all your marketing efforts and strategies to map out what’s working and what’s not – and invest more time and resources on what’s giving you the best results.

7. Inventory Management and Growth

Efficient Inventory Management is an important part of running a successful online shoe boutique.

You need to balance your inventory in line with demand so that you can avoid over stocking as well as stock outs. Shopify has powerful inventory tracking, management features and functions that will enable you to handle this elegantly.

With Shopify’s intuitive inventory management features you can set alerts to keep pace with inventory levels and avoid stock outs.

8. Checklist For Starting an Online Shoe Boutique

1. Business Planning: Define your niche, put all your business ideas into perspective and quantify them for feasibility and viability.

2. Legal Compliance: Register an appropriate juristic entity for your business and obtain necessary licenses and permits. Open a business bank account. Comply with tax regulations.

3. Choose Your Shopify Plan: Sign up for a Shopify Plan that suits your needs and budget. Connect your Shopify store with a memorable domain name – you can register your domain with Shopify’s own domain registration service or use an external service such as Bluehost.

4. Customise Your Store: Start by choosing a Shopify theme that resonates with your niche, branding and colors.

Setup navigation menus for easy browsing. Also add these essential static pages to Shopify store: Home, About Us, Contacts, Shipping, and Returns.

5. Product Sourcing: Do you due diligence in identifying suppliers, manufactures and wholesalers for your shoe inventory. Build relations and negotiate terms.

Order samples or initial inventory for quality assessments.

6. Product Listings: Create detailed and persuasive product listings with SEO optimised descriptions and high resolutions images. Also add product variants for color, size, style, etc.

Setup easily navigable and searchable catalogs and categories for your products.

7. Payment Gateway and Shipping: Ensure to add suitable payment gateways on your online shoe boutique. Shopify has over 100 payment gateway options. Also configure shipping options and include carriers and their respective rates.

8. Marketing Strategy: Run an omni-channel marketing strategy that involves content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, paid advertising (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc).

9. Customer Service: Set up mechanisms that will enforce a positive shopping experience for your customers. Handle inquiries, returns and exchanges fairly and transparently.

Respond promptly to feedback, complaints and inquiries.

10. Launch and Promotion: Test your online store and make sure that everything is on point. Plan a launch strategy and employ techniques such as early bird promotions, discounts, etc to attract initial customers.

Announce the official date and time for the official opening of your social online boutique. You can do this on your social media pages and campaigns as well as on your email newsletter.

11. Growth and Scaling: Post launch, you need to continuously monitor the performance of your online store. Shopify has robust inventory management and tracking tools.

You need to leverage these features to track the store traffic, sales and revenue of your boutique. This data will show you the strongest and weakest points of your business.

You will be in position to invest more in product lines that are performing well and consider mechanisms to boost or eliminate inventory that is not performing well.

For growing and scaling your boutique you can consider expanding your catalogue to include new product lines. You can also consider opening new markets and getting into strategic collaborations and partnerships to boost your sales volumes exponentially.

Final Thoughts

This guide has outlined the practical steps you need to take to start an online shoe boutique. Leveraging a top of the pack ecommerce platform like Shopify is a great way to establish the foundation of what it takes to run such a venture successfully.

Use this guide as a roadmap to bring your dreams into reality.

Avoid overthinking and take one step at a time.

Success in this sector takes careful planning, a well-designed store, efficient inventory management, effective marketing, and quality product offerings.

With these in place your boutique is in good shape to thrive in the competitive world of online fashion retail.

Wishing you all the best in your venture!

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Gugulethu Nyoni

Gugulethu Nyoni is a seasoned ICT entrepreneur, a full-stack developer with a portfolio of proprietary SaaS solutions under his name. His expertise span conceptualizing and developing digital solutions, including bespoke eCommerce applications. Gugu is also a proficient eCommerce and Whitehat SEO consultant.